Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cinta & Perkahwinan
"Masuklah ke dalam hutan, pilih dan ambillahsatu ranting yang menurutmu paling baik. Tetapi engkau haruslah berjalan ke depan dan jangan kembali ke belakang. Pada saat kau sudah memutuskan pilihanmu, keluarlah dari hutan dengan ranting tersebut."
Maka masuklah Plato ke dalam hutan dan keluarlah Plato tanpa membawa sebatang ranting pun. Gurunya pun bertanya, maka jawab Plato:
"Saya sebenarnya sudah menemui ranting yang bagus, tetapi saya terfikir barangkali di depan saya ada ranting yang lebih baik. Tetapi setelah saya berjalan ke depan, ternyata ranting yang sudah saya tinggalkan tadilah yang terbaik. Maka saya keluar dari hutan tanpa membawa apa-apa."
Guru itu pun berkata:
"Itulah cinta...."
Lalu Plato pun bertanya apakah makna perkahwinan.
Guru pun menjawab:
"Sama seperi ranting tadi. Namun kali ini engkau haruslah membawa satu pohon yang kau fikir paling baik dan bawalah keluar dari hutan."
Maka masuklah Plato ke dalam hutan dan keluarlah Plato dengan membawa pohon yang tidak terlalu tinggi juga tidak terlalu indah. Gurunya pun bertanya, maka jawab Plato:
"Saya bertemu pohon yang indah daunnya, besar batangnya, tetapi saya tak dapat memotongnya dan pastinya saya tak mampu membawanya keluar dari dalam hutan. Akhirnya saya tinggalkan. Kemudian saya menemui pohon yang tidak terlalu buruk, tidak terlalu tinggi dan saya fikir mampu membawanya kerana mungkin saya tidak akan menemui pohon seperti ini di depan sana. Akhirnya saya pilih pohon ini kerana saya yakin mampu merawatnya dan menjadikannya indah."
Lalu sang guru berkata:
" Itulah makna perkahwinan."
Bapa kali aku baca part nie dlm novel "Ranting Cinta Si Plato" (NB) ....memang zapppppp menusuk ke hati tul....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sakitnyaaaaaaaaa Atiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Friday, February 19, 2010
Memang xtau atau buat2 xtau
Sekarang nie aku da rajin baca paper, gegeggeggege, ada improvement bak kata omputih. Aku memang mengikuti perkembang kes sebat2 nie dari awal lagi. Tapi aku xkomen pun sebab malas terus terang aku cakap. Tapi sebab makin ramai golongan profesional (aku kategorikan mereka sebagai pro la..sbb semua bajar tggi2 belaka). Kadang-kadang aku xfhm la manusia sekarang bab2 hukum hakam nie dorang amik mudah betul. Orang kata benda nie basic masa sekolah rendah lagi memang kita da bajar dlm subject agama sal undang2 syariah nie. May b ustaz or ustazah xcerita detail tapi kita memang tau undang2 islam klu minum arak memang kena sebat, mencuri potong tangan...bagi aku benda nie basic. Memang ar kita dengar sebat, mesti teruk tapi dlm islam ada toleransi dia, xdernya kita nak sebat sampai membunuh org tu. Kita kena tgk keadaan juga, org tua mcm nie sebatan dia, org muda laki or pompuan mcm nie...apa da...........ada akai pikir la sendiri, kata bajar kemain melangit...xtau tanya org...ini buat bodo sombong main hentam jer bercakap. Aku nak membebel pepagi niekan, aku klu berckp fuhhhhhhhh kemain padahal bukan pandai mana pun, tp org ckp blh la setakat tuk ingat mengingati sesama manusia nie termsk la aku yg alpa nie. Aku perati jer keliling aku, byk yg aku xberkenan tp sapa la kita nak klu xckp kita pun subahat sekali....bila kita ckp depa kata kubuq masing2....elo pakcik & mak cik kubur memang ar masing2, klu aku xtegur...aku pun tergolong dikalangan hang pa la. Bezanya aku xbuat, aku nampak tp buat bodo .... mcm aku mengiyakan perbuatan hang pa la sama la hukum dia...umoq ja byk...akai xdak.
Aku bagi contoh apa yg berlaku kat keliling aku....judi....ramai siotttttttttttt....klu tgk yg tua2 beruban dan hehhehe tggu masa je kubuq kata mari, yg muda jgn kata la...depa xpikir klu depa tanggung sorg diri xpa la...ini melibatkan ank bini cmne tu....aduihhhhhhhhhhh itu yg jadi mcm2 perangai budak skrg nie...krg ajaq, degil.....derhaka kat mak bpk...semua tu symptom2 la tu...Wallahu a'lam.
Sekarang bab nikah kawin pun dorg amik mudah...xikut hukum hakam...adoi.....ingat kita ada rules dia follow la..ada sebab knp Allah buat semua tu..kita fikir da sudut +ve, jgn pikir yg -ve. Contohnya bab wali...ikut aturan betul2, klu xpasti g pejabat agama tanya, jgn malu....tanya org yg lebih arif klu kita was2. Sebab klu akad tu xsah kita kena nikah sekali lagi, klu nikah seblm ada anak xpa, klu ada anak, kena pikir status ank tu mcm mana plak? Itu semua kena fikir.
Itu aku bg contoh jer ar....kang bebel marah plak. Apa2 pun bila kita bercakap kena fikir, klu salah cakap kita akan serlahkan sendiri kedangkalan akal kita. Klu serlahkan kedangkalan bg yg xtau xper, bg yg tau tp nak tunjuk ego...itu masalah tu...
Kenyataan Bantah Hukuman Sebat Seperti Tidak Faham Sistem Perundangan - PPMM
KUALA LUMPUR, 18 Feb (Bernama) -- Persatuan Peguam-Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) menyifatkan kenyataan beberapa pihak yang mempertikaikan sebatan syariah ke atas tiga pesalah syariah wanita baru-baru ini memeprlihatkan masih ada yang tidak memahami dwisistem perundangan yang diamalkan di negara ini.
Presidennya Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar berkata kenyataan oleh Sisters in Islam (SIS), Majlis Peguam dan beberapa pihak lain juga membayangkan mereka tidak pernah melihat bagaimana hukuman sebat syariah dijalankan.
"Perlulah ditegaskan sekali lagi di sini bahawa sebatan syariah jauh berbeza daripada sebatan sivil. Sebatan syariah tidak mencederakan mahupun melukakan pesalah berbanding dengan sebatan sivil yang meninggalkan parut dan kesan dalam jangka masa dua tahun.
"Sebatan syariah adalah umpama bapa atau guru yang merotan anak yang telah melakukan kesilapan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini.
Beliau berkata kenyataan yang menyifatkan sebatan syariah sebagai zalim dan kejam adalah amat keterlaluan dan menunjukkan pihak berkenaan tidak mempunyai asas perundangan dan Hukum Syarak.
Ini kerana katanya sebatan syariah mempunyai falsafah yang tersendiri dan berakar umbi daripada sumber hukum Islam yang utama iaitu al-Quran dan al-Sunnah, dan mempertikaikan efektif atau tidaknya hukuman sebatan Islam ini samalah seperti mempertikaikan hikmah dan mukjizat al-Quran dan Rasul.
"Dalam masa yang sama PPMM bersetuju sebatan sivil itu adalah kejam dan perlu dihapuskan. Sebatan sivil itu juga tidak Islamik. Sebatan yang mencedera dan mengerikan itulah yang patut dihapuskan kerana melanggar hak asasi manusia.
"Malah Resolusi Majlis Peguam yang diluluskan beberapa tahun lepas juga memberi penekanan aspek kekejaman sebatan sivil. Ini adalah kerana sebatan syariah tidaklah sekejam yang digambarkan itu," katanya.
Beliau berkata PPMM percaya anggotanya di dalam Majlis Peguam juga tidak bersetuju sebatan syariah dihapuskan.
Zainul Rijal seterusnya meminta agar hukuman sebatan syariah yang masih belum dilaksanakan termasuklah kes Kartika Sari Dewi Sukharnor dilakukan segera agar keadilan kepada pesalah syariah itu sendiri dapat dilakukan.
"PPMM menyokong usaha kerajaan memartabatkan perundangan syariah melalui sebatan syariah bagi pesalah yang telah disabitkan atas kesalahan yang membawa hukuman sebat," katanya.
Semalam, Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata pada 9 Jan lepas buat pertama kali hukuman sebat dijalankan ke atas wanita membabitkan tiga pesalah jenayah syariah.
Kenyataan itu membawa respons daripada beberapa pihak termasuk SIS yang antara lain menyifatkannya sebagai zalim dan diskriminasi terhadap kaum wanita.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The 2 Must Know MCMC Laws that Regulate the Contents in Your Blog or Website
Tetiba tadi aku teringat masa final year punya Memang da lama aku tinggal subject nie since aku keje. Sebab xder sentuh pun law2 nie dlm work field aku then aku try la surve then tertarik ngan blog mamat nie (sorry ar bos, gue pinjam u punya blog link) dan terbaca la article kat bwah tu. Dlu aku memang minat undang2 dan salah satu citer2 aku hehehheh nak jadi lawyer...aku xtau kenapa tp may b terpengaruh ngan tv kot mcm citer law n order n legally blonde n mcm2 tv series lg..and salah satu course yg aku mcm nak amik tp xmau ntah la. Bukan aku teringin nak amik law sbb aku nak jadi lawyer tp aku nak tau lebih details lg proses2 perundangan nie then aku nak relate sendiri ngan situation yg sedia ada then aku nak pikir. Erm...bunyi cam gahhhhhh xtau la aku nak buat kerx...korg baca jer la tuk knowlegde ek...plz refer below article.
Few weeks ago, I received a call from a lady (very well educated) who wanted to buy the Blogging & Law DVD from my company.
Since I will be around in PJ (she lives there as well) the next day, as such, I suggested to pass a copy of her ordered DVD to her personally.
When I met her, I found that she was in fact buying the said DVD for her son as her son is a blogger and she wanted her son be aware of his rights and liablities in cyberspace especially when comes to blogging activities.
This made me felt that many Malaysian bloggers (or those who care about their love one, as in this case) are responsible one. They are keen to know what content they should write and what they shouldn’t write.
As such, I think Malaysian bloggers MUST know the below 2 provisions of law under the famous Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (MCMC Act):
1. section 211 of the MCMC Act
“211. Prohibition on provision of offensive content.
(1) No content applications service provider, or other person using a content applications service, shall provide content which is indecent, obscene, false, menacing, or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both and shall also be liable to a further fine of one thousand ringgit for every day or part of a day during which the offence is continued after conviction..”
I am not sure if there is any blogger/webmaster being charged under this section. Please do share with me if you come across any case where blogger is charged under this section.
I think for those porn bloggers, if they are cought then they could be charged under this section by providing obscene content in their blogs.
2. section 233 of the MCMC Act
“233. Improper use of network facilities or network service, etc.
(1) A person who-
(a) by means of any network facilities or network service or applications service knowingly-
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion or other communication which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person; or
(b) initiates a communication using any applications service, whether continuously, repeatedly or otherwise, during which communication may or may not ensue, with or without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person at any number or electronic address,
commits an offence.
(2) A person who knowingly-
(a) by means of a network service or applications service provides any obscene communication for commercial purposes to any person; or
(b) permits a network service or applications service under the person’s control to be used for an activity described in paragraph (a),
commits an offence.
(3) A person who commits an offence under this section shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both and shall also be liable to a further fine of one thousand ringgit for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction.”
1st case – 6 Bloggers Charged for Insulting Sultan of Perak (March 2009)
This s.233 of MCMC Act was 1stly used to charge 6 bloggers for insulting Perak Sultan in relation to the “Perak Crisis“.
“This is the 1st case in Malaysia where bloggers were charged under s.233 (as opposed to offences under ISA, Sediction Act or Dafemation)” said Malacca lawyer, Nizam Basir at eLawyer Law Conference 2009 at the law faculty of University of Malaya.
If you think further, is this provision covered SMS content sent via mobile phone? or emails that pushed to your Blackberry? as both involve mobile phone devices as oppose to computer. Please refer to the definition of “network facilities” under MCMC Act.
“network facilities” means any element or combination of elements of physical infrastructure used principally for, or in connection with, the provision of network services, but does not include customer equipment;”
2nd case – Blogger Charged for Posting Offensive Materials to Annoy his Former Employee (July 2009)
“KUALA LUMPUR, July 6 (Bernama) — A former EON Bank Berhad employee pleaded guilty in the Sessions Court here Monday over
the posting of an obscene blog title to embarrass his former boss.
Seah Boon Khim, 26, was accused of posting a vile and indecent material on a blog site with intent to annoy Eon Bank Internal Audit Department head Ho Kong Chan at 1.33pm on Aug 13 2007 at 19 A-26-3 Level 6, UOA Centre 19, Jalan Pinang here.
He was charged under Section 233(1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which carries fine up to RM50,000 or jail up to one year or both.
In mitigation, Seah, who has since resigned from his job, said he had apologised to Ho and admitted that he did not realised the gravity of his action and he should not have done it.” News from Bernama.
In case you don’t already know, iqnorance of law is not an excuse or defence when you are found guilty of an offence.
In view of the above 2 provisions, if someone posting offensive / false information about you online, you may lodge a report to the Complaint Bureau of MCMC. If you are not sure as to how to draft the complaint, my friend, Cheng Leong, has drafted a sample complaint letter on his blog for your reference.
Muak , Busan Ngan keadaan sekeliling.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bukit Cerakah
Kali nie kita org ramai2 g sana (aku, hb, ass, o-own, jue and yoyo), xder berjanji pun sbb selama nie berjanji xpernah jd...klu ada rezeki jumpa jer kat sana. May b rezeki kami, dpt ar jumpa kat sana. Aku sampai awal tp kena tggu plak kat gate, pintu xbuka lg...angin jer...kul 8lbh br dpt msk. Kali nie betul2 penat...ntah ceruk mana kita org cycle naik bukit mana ntah....punya la curam. Tapi kali nie xmcm sebelum2 nie...kali nie ramai, hepi dia lain sikit....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Indahnya Alam
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shared before
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth this weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth this weeping shores
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Hey, what about yesterday
(What about us)
What about the seas
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down
(What about us)
I can't even breathe
(What about us)
What about everthing
(What about us)
I have given you
(What about us)
What about nature's worth
(Ooo, ooo)
It's our planet's womb
(What about us)
What about animals
(What about it)
We've turned kingdoms to dust
(What about us)
What about elephants
(What about us)
Have we lost their trust
(What about us)
What about crying whales
(What about us)
We're ravaging the seas
(What about us)
What about forest trails
(Ooo, ooo)
Burnt despite our pleas
(What about us)
What about the holy land
(What about it)
Torn apart by creed
(What about us)
What about the common man
(What about us)
Can't we set him free
(What about us)
What about children dying
(What about us)
Can't you hear them cry
(What about us)
Where did we go wrong
(Ooo, ooo)
Someone tell me why
(What about us)
What about baby boy
(What about it)
What about the days
(What about us)
What about all their joy
(What about us)
What about the men
(What about us)
What about the crying man
(What about us)
What about Abraham
(What was us)
What about death again
(Ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah, Oooooooooh...
Hoooh x 12